Our Impact

When you support Helping Hands, you’re supporting…

  • The 10,000 clients registered with our Community Pantry who access food aid at their regular appointments.

  • To feed over 3000 people with receiving fresh, frozen and non-perishable food items and personal hygiene products every week across our sites.

  • A huge volume of food distributed annually – over 800,000kgs of food in the last 12 months, equating to over $18.6 million of value to the community.

  • A Work for the Dole program that has provided thousands of placements and have worked to help people through this program into permanent employment with clothing support, resume reviews and mock interviews.

  • A local employer of 40+ people and provider of volunteer opportunities for people from all walks of life, including students and Assisted Volunteers.

  • The diversion of over 116,000 kgs of textile waste from landfill, not including the donations we sell or provide as aid.